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How to Attract High-Quality Backlinks Using Statistics Content

Have trouble obtaining backlinks? Learn how to effortlessly attract backlinks and traffic to your website by using statistics material.

Imagine waking up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 8 a.m, slurping your first cup of coffee of the day, and sitting down to conduct some cold but necessary backlink outreach.

You’ve been trying for months, like a 5th-grade girl crushing it, to attract the attention of a slew of link-worthy websites only to be heartbreakingly rejected.


It’s too much work for too little payoff.

You’re at a loss for words.

You’ve even paid for guest posts in large amounts. That, too, hasn’t worked out so well.

You know that building quality links is the most natural approach to scale, but how do you get backlinks naturally.

Here’s my take: By providing an excellent resource page for content authors, you can use statistics material to build natural backlinks.

This straightforward strategy ensures your success and saves you time in the long run.

Let’s take a closer look at how this works.

You know that building quality links is the most natural approach to scale, but how do you get backlinks naturally.

Here’s my take: By providing an excellent resource page for content authors, you can use statistics material to build natural backlinks.

This straightforward strategy ensures your success and saves you time in the long run.

Let’s take a closer look at how this works.

Why Should I Create Statistics Content As A Link Building Tactic?

Getting backlinks via cold email outreach can feel like finding a needle in a haystack, as you may already know.

Your email ends up in their spam folder. They either don’t react or respond months later and then disappear.

It’s time-consuming and frustrating in either case.

Guest articles might eat up a lot of your marketing budget, making things even more difficult.

Content development requires numerous people (writer, editor, designer, strategy) and time to genuinely be done successfully.

You want to make sure that every piece of material you create is valuable.

You’ll set yourself up for success by attracting your ideal audience and seamlessly building links if you focus on educating your audience and writing “less-sales” content.

In exchange, as you build more organic backlinks, your Domain Authority rises, propelling you to Google’s first page (yay, more sales!)

For the skeptics, I feel that a statistic like Domain Authority (while not Google confirmed) has a direct impact on SEO success.

It Positions Your Brand As A Thought Leader

A simple strategy to promote your brand as a thought leader is to carefully write material with relevant facts for your target audience, product, or industry.

When done well, others will look to you for reliable, trustworthy facts, which will open up prospects for sharing.

At this point, I’d want to highlight that acquiring data does not imply scavenging various statistics off the internet and regurgitating them.

The information you offer should be as unique as possible and directly related to your business.

Although these blogs are more difficult to write since they require you to go into your detective data-gathering mindset, they are invaluable tools for increasing the authority of your website and brand.

Content Creators Are Already Looking For it

Statistics are frequently employed as a primary source of information, which means that content providers (journalists, marketers, bloggers, data analysts, market researchers, and so on) are constantly looking for them.

With the growth of fake news, it’s more important than ever to distribute reliable content, especially for those with a huge following.

As a result, creators are committed to sharing accurate and honest statistics.

That’s why content producers actively seek out brands like yours to assist them in providing vital statistics to back up their work.

Your material will most likely be cited as a reliable source by content providers in your sector.

It Gets Shared More Often

Simply said, numbers appeal to people.

Because facts may back their ideas, they want something tangible to grasp.

As a result, content with data is shared far more frequently on social media and blogs.

It’s so effective that it’s at the heart of most data-driven PR strategies.

It will benefit your social presence and backlink status in either case.

What a win-win situation!

You Can Rank or It

Consider the creators in your field.

What would they seek for statistics in a search engine?

Maybe “beauty statistics 2022″ if you’re in the beauty industry”

“New tech statistics May 2022,” if you’re in the tech industry.

Do you get what I’m saying?

You can use a term that will generate backlinks and rank organically once you’ve put yourself in the shoes of a creator.

And the higher you rank, the more backlinks you’ll receive because you’ll get more SERP clicks, which translates to more organic traffic.

It should always be your primary goal to produce themes with high search traffic keywords.

In other words, you establish an automated backlink accumulator (as long as those statistics stay timely and relevant).

Settle in. Let’s get started!

Learn What Your Audience Is Looking For

It all starts with your employees because, without them, there would be no reason to develop content in the first place.

What kinds of material is your target audience looking for?

What statistics might aid them in achieving their objectives?

What can you do to assist your audience in informing their audience?

Consider the following scenario:

A newspaper’s audience of American sports lovers would be interested in the number of gold medals the United States has won in the Olympics over the years.

This type of statistic could pique the curiosity of journalists who are predicting the victors of the forthcoming Olympics based on previous outcomes.

Consider the following scenario: If you have credible sports data, your information could be featured as the next source in CNN Sports.

Another scenario: startups might think about the cities with the most entrepreneurs and how that number has changed over time

This information could aid them in deciding where to relocate for the best likelihood of success.

Sounds like a topic worthy of publication in a publication like Entrepreneur.com, doesn’t it?