Uptime Web Solution

Use Python To Digitize SEO Keyword Segmentation


In the world of SEO, keyword research is one of the most important aspects. If you’re not optimizing your content for specific keywords and phrases that are relevant to your business, then chances are you’re going to have a hard time getting traffic.

Keyword segmentation can help improve your organic search performance by identifying different types of intent behind search queries, thereby helping you create more targeted content that will generate better leads while reducing ad spend rates on Google AdWords campaigns.

What is Keyword Segmentation By Search Intent?

Search intent is the reason a searcher wants to find your content. It’s the goal they want to achieve by searching for your particular topic.

The most basic kind of search intent is informational, which means the user wants to learn more about something. The next most common type of search intent is transactional, where someone wants to purchase something or complete some sort of transaction. The third type is navigational, which happens when people are looking for specific web pages and other URLs (e.g., “How do I set up a Facebook ad?”). Finally, there’s social discovery: this is when someone has an interest in finding certain types of content—like articles, videos, or images—and sharing them with their friends via social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter (e.g., “I want some funny cat videos”).

Why is Keyword Segmentation Important for SEO?

If you’re new to search engine optimization (SEO), you’ve likely heard the term keyword segmentation thrown around a lot. And if you’ve been doing SEO for a while, chances are that you’ve been asked to provide a detailed report on your Keyword Segmentation strategy. But what is keyword segmentation? How can I use it in my own business? And where do I start?

Keyword segmentation is an important concept because it helps us understand how users search for things on the web, and therefore how we should present our content to attract them. By understanding what people are looking for when they type certain words into Google or Bing, we can optimize our website accordingly.

What Are The Different Categories of Search Intent?

Search intent can be classified into various categories. These include the following:

  • Navigational Search (or Information Need) – This refers to searches that are made to get information on a specific topic or keyword. For example, searching for “how to sew a button” or “how to make a chocolate cake”.
  • Informational Search – This refers to searches that are made to gather more knowledge about something. For example, “what is SEO?” or “how does SEO work?”
  • Transactional Search (or Action Need) – A transaction search is one in which a user intends to take an action based on what they find during their search query. For example, someone may be looking up how much it costs to repair their car because there was an accident and they need estimates from different shops before deciding whom they would like to go with as far as repairs go; this would be considered transactional as it’s an actual action being taken based on the results of your search term(s).
  • Comparison Search – Comparison searches usually happen when a person wants some sort of comparison between two products or services so they can decide which one is better suited for them personally – whether it be price, quality etcetera – since both options have similar features but have different prices attached due because one item might cost more than another brand name product due its popularity alone.

How Does This Translate to Keywords?

Keywords are the words that people type into search engines to find information. Search intent is what people want to do with the information they find. The different types of search intent are: informational, navigational, and transactional. Informational searches typically start with the word “what” or “how”—for example: “How do I bake a cake?” This type of search is typically used when you’re looking for general knowledge rather than something specific; it’s not tied to any one product or service. Navigational

How Do You Identify & Attribute Keywords

You can use URL profile to find the keywords that are most relevant to your business. We will use this data to train our model, and then attribute search intent based on the features in those URLs. We’ll also use Google Autocomplete as a way of discovering what users are searching for as they enter information into their search bar. To do this, we’ll need to identify which three best-performing results for each keyword phrase (or “search query”) will be used for training our user intent segmentation model.

Finally, we want to make sure that our model identifies any associations between keywords linked together by commonality in terms of user intent or related search topics. For example: if someone searched “electric guitar amp tube amp kit” and then searched “tube amplifier schematic diagram” would they be more likely than average users who have never used tube amps before?

  • Use a Python library called Genism to create a vectorizer that converts your keywords into vectors of numbers.
  • Clustering algorithms are used to group similar data into clusters or groups. For example, if you have four keywords: “softball,” “baseball,” “basketball,” and “football”, you could group them based on their similarity in meaning and context (i.e., sports). One powerful clustering algorithm is K-means, which is available in the sci kit-learn library for machine learning applications in Python.

Once you’ve generated your network graph, you can use it to gain insight into the relationships between keywords.

  • Use Gephi to visualize the network graph. Gephi is an open-source tool that allows users to create and explore networks of nodes (i.e., keywords) connected by edges (i.e., search intent). This type of visual analysis helps users better understand how various keywords related to one another by showing them how they’re connected via shared semantic concepts or phrases.


The next time you’re looking to optimize SEO and conversions, consider using Python to identify keywords that have a high search intent. This will allow you to create more relevant content, as well as optimize your website for conversions by targeting specific search intent categories.