Uptime Web Solution

Top 3 Priorities for 2022 As Announced by Google Ads

Google Ads highlights their top 3 priorities for the year 2022: privacy, automation, and measurement. With the continuous shift in buyer behavior throughout the pandemic, Google Ads brings in their commitments for a better experience for its consumers and the SEO company’s clients. And so, for the year 2022, Google Ads has announced their top 3 priorities that are highlighted above. These now are not the new priorities, but they are more so there should be a shift in how they are there focusing on each one. Hence, a further look should be taken.

New Opportunities with Automation

It is to be noted down as per the statements of the experts and professionals that the shifting of consumer behavior of the consumers brings in opportunities and challenges. Their conversations with the different clients have then focused on the needs of the speed, readiness, and agility for driving the growth. It was later stated that Google’s 80% of the advertisers are there now using automated bidding to free up time and improvise the ad performance. Under the pillar of Automation, Google now emphasizes the Discovery and Performance Max campaign types.

Both of the campaign types now have their focus on reaching the users at a scale. Google has highlighted the benefits that come with the campaigns inclusive of the following factors:

  • Multi-channel reach
  • More simplicity in management (fewer campaigns)
  • Greater ad inventory
  • Incremental conversions

For specific channel campaign types, for example, Display, Search, and YouTube, the recommendation of Google comes for leaning into the automation with Smart Bidding, broad match keywords, and responsive search ads.

Measurement’s Future

It comes as no secret that for most advertisers, measurement has been a challenging factor. The future removal of third-party cookies as well the more new approaches that are catered for measurement, with the iOS 14 update will now be critical for success.

Without any sort of data to back up the marketing efforts, and meaningful results, to prove the market’s value is considered to be harder. A new solution to privacy and measurement are now being rolled out by Google, and these include:

  • Data-driven attribution
  • Consent mode
  • Conversion modeling
  • Enhanced conversions

The solutions that are put into place will be dependent on the first-party data as well as privacy-safe APIs. Such efforts let the user feel prioritized since their privacy is respected as well as to track campaign efforts, listening to the needs of advertisers.

Deliverance of Expectations for Digital Privacy

 These days, it is difficult to go out without hearing any sort of privacy breach. Google gives its understanding regarding the increasing need for user privacy as well as its controls. When a user wants to cultivate and build relationships with their significant customers, they are required to know that their data is maintaining some level of anonymity and is safe.

To capture such needs both from the user and advertiser perspective, Google has now updated its privacy playbook. Following are the highlights of this playbook:

  • Keeping the relevance of the ads
  • Ensuring that the measurement remains actionable and accurate
  • Building direct relationships with customers

For building direct relationships with the customers, one will be able to capture the first-party data for more direct communication that is one on one, such as in-app messaging or email marketing.

What comes for the advertisers from this?

Since all of us are used to depending on the paid media for showing the direct ROI and final sale, this might ask for the role of paid media to change. And of course, this is dependent on the overall strategy. An example for this is that for some of the non-branded or awareness efforts’ goal should be shifted to capturing the first-party data, rather than the final scale data.

If a person can capture that first-party data on the first touch then they will be able to contribute and attribute a final sale back to the original touchpoint. Whereas it is vital to shift your attribution modeling for reflecting the changes in strategy.