Uptime Web Solution

Uptime Web Solution

Monitor SEO-Driven Sales and Leads in Your CRM

Do you want to track customers and revenue from SEO in your CRM? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll look at what data you need to track, how to collect it, and how to use it to measure your success. With the right setup and tracking plan in place, you’ll be able to see the impact of your SEO efforts on your business’s bottom line. So, let’s dive in and get started!

What is CRM?

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is a tool used by businesses to track and manage customer data, interactions, and relationships. It is essential for improving customer service, increasing sales, and streamlining operations. It allows you to keep track of customer details such as name, contact information, purchase history, and even the type of products or services they are interested in. A CRM also helps you to identify trends and opportunities, which can help you tailor your marketing and sales strategies more effectively.

With the help of SEO Services, companies can use their CRM to monitor SEO Performance in CRM. This includes tracking organic search rankings, website visits, and conversion rates. SEO Performance in CRM can also be measured by tracking changes in keyword rankings, content performance, and link profiles. Additionally, companies can use CRM Management Services to help keep track of their SEO efforts and analyze the results. By understanding their SEO performance in CRM, businesses can make better decisions and allocate resources accordingly to maximize their return on investment.

How Can You Use SEO In Your CRM?

If you’re running a business, chances are you’re familiar with customer relationship management (CRM) and the importance of managing customer relationships and keeping track of customer data. But did you know that you can also use CRM to manage your search engine optimization (SEO) performance?

Using SEO Services in your CRM can help you keep track of all the efforts you are making to optimize your website for search engines, including keyword research, link building, content optimization, and more. You can also use it to manage customer data related to SEO, such as the keywords they are using to find your website and the metrics related to their SEO performance. You can also use SEO services in your CRM to better understand how customers are engaging with your website, such as which pages they are visiting, which keywords they’re using to find your website, and more. With this information, you can optimize your website and content even further to ensure that your customers are able to easily find what they’re looking for.

Finally, CRM management services can help you track the revenue generated from SEO. By monitoring key metrics such as organic search traffic and conversions, you can get an accurate picture of how much money you’re making from SEO and use it to inform future marketing efforts.

Tracking Revenue From SEO In Your CRM

Setting up Google Analytics is easy, and it’s possible to see how many visitors you get from organic search queries. Plus, if you setup Goal Tracking on forms submissions, then you can measure the number of leads generated by your website. But historically, it has been much harder to get that same attribution data into your CRM and report on metrics like how many new sales opportunities were generated from SEO, how much pipeline these efforts created, the number of new customers added as a result. Tracking customers and revenue from SEO in your CRM is a key way to measure the success of your SEO efforts. By leveraging CRM management services and tools, you can monitor your SEO performance, track customer interactions, and identify what strategies are working and which are not. If your only source of insights were website visitors and leads, it would appear that Facebook Ads and Google Ads outperform SEO efforts. Millions of dollars are spent each year on marketing budgets. But what if you could see the complete picture: how many customers and revenue have been generated by your campaigns?

When you track the performance of your marketing campaigns based on both customer acquisition and revenue generation, you get a fuller picture of how well these efforts have worked. By tracking sales over time, you can determine which strategies are most effective at driving traffic and conversions. This data can also be used to inform future SEO strategies. The first step to extracting useful information is ensuring that all the necessary data is present in your database. The second step involves running reports and analyzing their results.

Check The Data

Make sure your CRM contains attribution data for each of your leads and customers, including information about the source channels, campaigns, ad groups that originally generated them. Most CRM systems track important information about your customers (such as their contact info and sales opportunities), but do they also keep tabs on how those customers found out about you in the first place?

To add this information, simply create hidden fields on your website’s lead generation forms. Then write the attribution data into those fields as you fill out each lead submission form—that way it will get stored alongside other contact info such as name, email address and phone number. With the hidden fields in place, you can use a tool to record where each lead came from and write that data into the form so it goes straight into your CRM with every submission.

Run The Reports With CRM

Having the correct customer information in your CRM, you can use its reporting functions to generate more sales using your CRM’s built-in reporting tools.


SEO services are an essential component of any digital marketing strategy and leveraging them to track customers and revenue can help you optimize your ROI. By tracking the key metrics, you will be able to determine which SEO campaigns are working and which ones need improvement. If you want to succeed with SEO, then taking advantage of CRM management services is the way to go. With the right approach and proper tracking, you can maximize your SEO performance and revenue.