Uptime Web Solution

Measure Your Content Marketing ROI by Using These 3 SEO Metrics

How one can prove that their content is successful? To answer this, they definitely will require and would need to incorporate the further mentioned 3 SEO metrics into their reporting.

Proving ROI doesn’t come as an easy task.

It is catered as one of the main reasons why people are not there as bought into SEO services in USA as they are there with other different marketing channels.

It doesn’t come as a paid search where one easily can attribute a click on an ad to a particular keyword and further measure the different conversions coming against the initial investment for seeing if that was worth it.

Often, different other marketing channels get easier metrics that define their success, such as open rates for emails, social engagement on a post, or the total number of subscribers to a podcast.

While considering the dimension of top SEO services, there could exist a variety of challenges.

Making efforts for prioritizing the different technical issues with the regarded development team and further removing the silos in the organization comes as a difficult enough task, but further measuring the content marketing ROI can come as be even harder.

Content marketing ROI is defined as the way with which one can measure how much conversions or revenue is brought in by the content, depending on the amount of time, money, or resources that were spent on it.

The Best Metrics for Measuring Content Marketing ROI


When measuring the content marketing for SEO or organic, the best metrics that could be used are also the most basic metrics that are used by marketers to report on the performance of the published content:

  1. Increment in organic conversions
  2. Better ranking on average
  3. Page 1 keyword growth
  4. Page 1 search volume increases
  5. Increment in organic clicks and traffic

Depending on the intent, audience, or media format, it is supposed to be remembered, goals or KPIs for each content type might differ.

However, when trying to prove the value of how SEO helps support the content marketing efforts, besides measuring the ROI that is produced from the organic channels, these metrics are the best ones to be used.

How to Make Use of Each SEO Metric in Reporting?

Increment in Organic Conversions

This way comes as to be very effective and simple for showing the team how well the content is there performing.

For each type of content, conversions might look different.

One might measure conversions depending on total PDF downloads, total clicks on the contact us button, total newsletter subscribers.

But, it is to be considered that these numbers are there to tell the best story considering in terms of how the users are there having an engagement with the content and if it there feeding in the motivation for them to take the desired action.

It comes to be especially important for leading with organic conversion data while speaking to the executives as they require and choose to easily have an understanding of the data about how much the overall content marketing investment is contributing to the bottom line of a company.

Page 1 Keyword Growth

SEO is to be considered as a long-term game and so it becomes important to set realistic goals regarding how well a page can perform.

Functioning with comprehensive keyword research comes as an important step before writing or optimizing content.

Replicating a hub and spoke model is one effective content marketing strategy to become more authoritative regarding a topic.

To content marketing ROI, showing Page 1 keyword growth is important since this can prove how much more visible a page is in SERP compared to what it was in the previous days.

By displaying keyword growth on Page 1, decision-makers can get help in understanding why there is a need for investing more of the budget and team’s time into SEO.

Another key metric that is important to be included here is the overall increase in the search volume or how the website is catering to the better ranking overall for a group of keywords.

The growth in search volume, more especially on Page 1, can further be catered as an easy way for leaders in the organizations to quickly have an understanding about how many people might be there clicking on the content and how much the content is discoverable.

Increment in Organic Clicks and Traffic

Another significant metric that is expected to be included in reporting on the content marketing efforts delivers how much website clicks or traffic the content has produced.

This then is considered as a great time to threshold how much clicks or organic traffic was brought in by this content, or the traffic’s percentage that is represented to the overall site prior optimizations were made to the page.

It is then important enough to be notified that there might not always exist organic conversion data that is supposed to be backed up regarding how the site is being helped by the content.

At times, a user absorbs content on the site and later comes back after months or weeks for conversion, this makes it more difficult to be shown over the direct tie-in SEO has in driving this sort of conversion.

With an increment in clicks or traffic being shown, one still can prove to the organization that a significant amount of users are there seeing the content, which hopefully will lead towards an increment in overall conversions.