Uptime Web Solution

Accessibility and SEO Advice from the Deaf and Disabled

SEO Advice

Over the past few years, discussions around accessibility have grown within the SEO community. Although many professionals and advocates for people with disabilities have long discussed accessibility, the COVID-19 pandemic greatly increased awareness of its significance. According to a Deque survey and research, 73 percent of accessibility professionals saw an increase in accessibility awareness on […]

Where Google’s Mobile-First Index Stands Right Now

Google Values

For years, mobile-first indexing has been a hot topic. Have you kept up with it? For more information on Google’s mobile-first index, keep reading. Okay, so Google’s announcement of the mobile-first index took place a few years ago. The majority of websites have switched to Google’s mobile-first index, thus it’s no longer a “hot” SEO […]

Growth Marketers Must Master These 6 SEM Best Practices

Growth Marketing

To get the most out of your paid search efforts, use these six growth marketing best practices. The terms “growth marketing” and “growth hacking” are frequently used interchangeably. “Growth hacking” has its own set of job titles and responsibilities. But, exactly, what does “growth marketing” imply? Simply, growth marketing is the process of identifying and […]

For Technical SEO, the Best Enterprise Tools & Platforms

Technical SEO

With large websites and associated infrastructure to maintain, technical SEO can be overwhelming. Here are the top six tools that have been recommended. Search engines can crawl and index your information more easily if you have a solid technical infrastructure. Technical SEO can help increase your website’s exposure and organic traffic by enhancing technical components […]

Skills, Career Outlook, and Success Tips for Becoming an SEO Consultant

SEO Consultant

Are you considering a career in SEO as a freelancer? In this detailed guide, you’ll learn about the advantages, disadvantages, and what to expect. An SEO consultant is a search engine optimization expert who works on a freelance basis rather than as part of a traditional job. They might, for example, be independent contractors who […]

Four Technical SEO Chores are Essential for Organic Success

SEO Success

Technical SEO is a must-have. Here are four technical activities that SEOs should focus on to improve organic visibility. In her presentation at The MarTech Conference, Shachar Radin Shomrat, CMO of Deepcrawl, said, “Driving income and exposure from search hinges on your website health – today’s success in organic search is about a lot more […]

How and Where You Can Get Right Reviews for Your Business

Local SEO services in USA

The following blogs talk about the top online review platforms that one should use and some of the tips that can eventually assist in helping them get the right reviews for the local business. In the modern customer’s journey, a huge part is played by online reviews. For any modern marketing strategy, earning reviews is […]

7 Top Tips on How to Get SEO Clients

SEO services in Connecticut

It was asked by an individual How one can get SEO clients in Connecticut with a monthly retainer and considering that question, this blog gives an answer to that and gives out tips for finding out high-value clients for the respective Digital Marketing Agency. A business can get profitable and sustainable by keeping a stable […]