Uptime Web Solution

Top 17 Enterprise SEO Metrics That Will Help You Report

It’s critical to use your SEO statistics to tell an engaging tale. The top 17 enterprise-level KPIs to monitor are shown below.

Measuring SEO metrics is critical for demonstrating the value of your optimizations and efforts.

It’s the key to securing budget from present clients and executives, attracting new ones, justifying SEO spending, and keeping your current clients pleased.

With so many SEO platforms and point solutions available, here are the most critical enterprise-level KPIs to analyze SEO performance and ensure you’re on pace to accomplish your company goals and objectives.


Because of COVID, we now live in a different world.

Many businesses guard their marketing budgets and keep a close eye on every dollar spent.

The greatest approach to justify your presence is to calculate the ROI of SEO, and it all starts with business goals. If your objective is to increase 30% year over year as an e-commerce firm selling printers, you’ll need a strategy to do that.

To do so, you’ll need to know basic details about how your client makes money, such as e-commerce, lead generation, and so on, to demonstrate the ROI.

Order value on average.

Conversion rates are important.

Traffic and current ranks.

Invest in SEO.

Return on Investment = (Organic Traffic * Conversion Rate * Average Order Value) / SEO Cost

Brand vs. Non-Brand Visibility

If your SEO platform has a solution for measuring performance at the keyword level, another crucial statistic to track is brand vs. non-brand exposure and conversions.

Branded keywords drive a lot of traffic and conversions to most websites.

Because branded keywords have more purchase intent, you can obtain more money if you show incremental growth in branded keywords by getting your customer to rank number one for phrases that they didn’t rank number one for before.

Any rise in the number of keywords driving traffic, such as non-brand keywords, might also indicate that your SEO methods are paying off, especially if you’re meeting your clients’ incremental sales and income targets.

Bounce Rate

The percentage of all sessions on your site in which people viewed only one page is known as the bounce rate, which is defined as single-page sessions divided by all sessions.

Google Analytics keeps track of how many users come to your page and then leave without visiting any other pages on your site.

The bounce rate isn’t a ranking factor. However, it could suggest a problem with your page’s content, a failure to satisfy user intent, or a poor user experience, among other things. Too many advertisements, pop-ups, long load times, or other difficulties could be prompting users to leave soon.

Make sure your website provides a positive user experience, and high-quality content that fulfills user needs and intent, and loads rapidly.

Backlinks and Referring Domains

Backlinks from related sites with high quality are still significant ranking criteria.

It’s not about the number of backlinks you have; it’s about the quality and relevance of the sites that connect to you.

If you’re Nike and you get a lot of links from high-quality sites on sneakers, shoes, and clothes, you’ll enhance your ranks since relevance and quality are more important than links from low-quality sites unrelated to Nike’s products.

Referring domains are another key backlink indicator to keep track of.

Increasing the number of high-quality connections from other websites that are related to your domain will help you rank higher in search engines.


To discover which keywords are delivering qualified visitors and conversions to your site, keep an eye on your non-branded and branded search engine rankings.

This will assist you in achieving your organic search objectives and determining what is driving performance.

The goal of SEO is to generate qualified traffic that turns consumers.

If your ranks for non-branded and branded keywords that assist your site to fulfil KPIs drop substantially, it could signal that your site was subjected to manual action, lost some links, experienced a technical fault, or your content does not meet user intent, to name a few possibilities.

Indexed Pages

The number of indexed pages is another key measure to keep track of.

Guess what happens if you upload new category pages or material to your blog and it isn’t indexed by Google?

Because the material has not been indexed and crawled, you will not rank for any keywords on those pages.

Always upload new pages to your HTML and XML sitemaps, including links from your site navigation, and/or submit content to be indexed through Google Search Console to ensure your content is indexed.

Always ensure sure there are no duplicate pages or information that is thin or obsolete.

Fresh information is favored by Google, but duplicate, out-of-date, or irrelevant content might be a hindrance.

Impressions & CTR

The number of times your URLs show in search results viewed by a user is measured in impressions, which excludes paid Google Ads search impressions.

If your impressions rise, it means Google thinks your material is relevant to the end user’s search.

When someone clicks on the URL, it will drive more traffic to your website, which will increase traffic, sales, and conversions.

Page Speed & Core Web Vitals

The optimum user experience is provided by sites that load as rapidly as feasible (within three seconds), with content that satisfies the information need and gives the end-user what they want as quickly as possible.

A fast page load time has been shown in numerous studies to increase conversions.

Core Web Vitals, which focuses on user experience – loading, interactivity, and visual stability, is another crucial SEO indicator to track:

The most contented paint (LCP).

Delay in the first input (FID).

The shift in layout over time (CLS).

The Page Experience measure CWV is part of a bigger set of metrics called Page Experience.

It’s utilized as a ranking indication to improve the entire UX of the web, and pages with “Good” vitals are already performing well in search.

Crawl Errors

Crawl issues occur when a search engine attempts to access a page on your website but is unable to do so due to a 200-response code failure.

It’s critical to keep track of crawl issues to ensure that Google can identify, index, crawl and rank your material.

Crawl problems can occur when a page is blocked by robots or no index, when it no longer exists, or when it redirects to another website.

Google may reduce your search engine exposure if there is a large increase in crawl mistakes. Check Google Search Console for crawl problems and make sure you’re crawling consistently.

Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is an important indicator to track since it demonstrates whether your SEO efforts are paying off and bringing more quality visitors to your client’s site month after month and year after year.

The majority of clients prefer to see traffic increase from month to month or quarter to quarter. Seasonal enterprises may display regular spikes and decreases during specific seasons, so year-over-year comparisons are more reliable.

If you create a pleasant user experience across the fragmented user journey, the more qualified organic search traffic from both mobile and desktop you can deliver to your client’s site, the more likely conversions and revenue will improve.

Organic Conversions

At the end of the day, SEO is all about bringing qualified traffic to your site that turns you into paying consumers.

You may call it a success if your conversions rise, your organic search strategy is functioning, and your SEO efforts attract the correct visitors to your site and result in additional sales, leads, or downloads.

Organic Landing Page Metrics

Instead of looking at SEO performance at the keyword level, you can look at performance at the landing page level.

Check Google Analytics or other analytics tools for organic sessions and other conversion metrics to understand how your site’s pages are performing over time, which pages perform well, and any gaps or possibilities.

If some of your pages aren’t performing as well as you’d like, go over your SEO strategy again and figure out why the page isn’t working as well as the rest of the site’s money pages.

Start looking at whether you’re focusing on the wrong keywords.

Is the page taking longer to load than others? Are there any broken links on the page?

Top Exit Pages

When a visitor visits your landing page, the goal is to help them find what they’re searching for and convert their visit into something useful, such as a sale or a brochure download.

However, users may not always be able to find what they are looking for. They may browse your site’s other landing pages before leaving without converting.

Examining your top exit pages might reveal which pages are underperforming and where users are leaving.

If you look at your statistics and notice that 60% of users are abandoning a page that is supposed to convert, it’s time to revisit the page and figure out what’s going on.

New vs. Returning Visitors

Keeping track of new versus recurring visitors is an important metric to track.

If you have a lot of repeat visits but few conversions, look at your departure pages to understand what’s keeping consumers from buying.

A solid SEO strategy targets a qualified audience and meets their information demands throughout the user journey, ensuring that they return to your site.

Home Depot excels at this by providing movies and other content, such as DIY articles and videos that assist end-users in solving and diagnosing problems.

Competitor SEO Metrics

It’s critical to keep track of your competition so you can figure out what kind of content they’re producing, which landing pages are performing well, where they’re gaining market share and ranking better than you, and where they’re getting links from.

Always keep an eye on your competitors’ backlinks to see if there are any new prospects for your client’s site, and keep an eye on their visibility to see if they’re relevant. Concentrate on content deficiencies and develop new ideas and approaches to fill them.

Content Score

In today’s competitive SERPs, having high-quality content based on purpose and covering themes related to your content, as well as marking up your material with structured data and other SEO tactics and strategies, will help you win the war.

Clear Scope, Market Muse, and Material Fusion by SEO Clarity are just a few of the tools that may score content against a defined “theme” (topical target, usually a head term).

The scoring (on a 100-point scale) is based on the scores of other competing content pieces that support the same objective topic.

This allows SEO practitioners to discover the most prevalent text-based elements to include in the copy to maximize relevance to the desired theme.

Share of Voice

Monitoring your share of voice can reveal how your brand compares to its top competitors in terms of claiming precious search real estate.

It reveals who you compete with for each of your keywords and keyword groups across different lines of business and locales, giving your insight into rival strategies.

It’s not always the case that your competition is who you think they are.

Wrapping Up

Measuring key metrics from organic search will help you identify areas for development, allowing you to drive more traffic and conversions, enhance your search engine rankings, and meet your business’s goals, objectives, and ROI.

Once you have these KPIs, you can concentrate on using them to tell a compelling story to stakeholders. To get ideas for your reports, look at these examples of outstanding SEO data visualizations.